Immaculate Heart Sacred Heart Divine Mercy The New Eve
Sacred Art by William Gee
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ALL • Gather around the place of honor where you will enthrone Jesus as King, Savior, and Friend.

HEAD OF THE HOUSEHOLD • Hold the image and set it on the place of honor.

HEAD OF THE HOUSEHOLD • “I now enthrone the Sacred Heart of Jesus as King, Savior, and Friend of this consecrated family. Jesus, it is our desire to make a covenant of love with You. We are determined to live Your life, a life of virtue and simplicity. You will rule over our hearts and our love is for You alone. We will keep this fire of love ever burning by frequent participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist, regular reading of Sacred Scripture, and acts of love and kindness to each other. Accept our prayers and acts of love as a way to repair damage caused by our selfishness."

ALL • O Sacred Heart of Jesus, we are gathered here today to proclaim Your complete union with our family. From now on we promise to lead a Christ-like life; we will strive to develop in our home all the virtues, which bring with them the peace that You promised. We ask you to be the King of our hearts and to increase our love for You.

ALL • Keep us faithful to your commandments, to love God and our neighbor. Divine Heart of Jesus, preside over our family gatherings; bless all of our family undertakings, both spiritual and temporal. Sanctify our joys and comfort us in our sorrows. And if any of the members of our family should separate themselves from You, remind them, O Sacred Heart of Jesus, of Your infinite love and mercy.

ALL • When the hour of separation comes and death brings sorrow into our family, we will humbly accept Your Divine will. We will console and comfort ourselves with the thought that the time will come when our whole family will be united lovingly with You in heaven, forever. We ask the Blessed Mother and St. Joseph, protector of the Church, to offer our family promise to You. May the memory of this promise be with us always. Amen.

READER • That we renounce Satan and all of his empty promises.
That each of us invite Mary, the model of purity and love, to make our hearts more like her heart. Let us pray to the Lord.
ALL • Lord hear our prayer.

READER • For unbounded grace from God that will allow us to show patience and kindness as we begin again. Let us pray to the Lord.
ALL • Lord hear our prayer.

READER • For all absent members of our family, both living and dead, that we will all be united through the power of Jesus. Let us pray to the Lord.
ALL • Lord hear our prayer.

READER • Jesus, you told us, “Whatever you ask the Father in My name, He will give to you.” In Your name, and with great confidence, we pray for ______________ [insert petitions]. And for the petitions that we hold in the silence of our heart. Let us pray to the Lord.
ALL • Lord hear our prayer.

ALL • Recite one Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be for those unable to attend the ceremony.

HEAD OF THE HOUSEHOLD • Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, we thank you for choosing our family to receive Your presence and love. We ask for the grace to be faithful to our new way of life in You. O Immaculate Heart of Mary, Queen of heaven, unite us with the Sacred Heart of Jesus, our King, Savior and Friend.

ALL • Those who are present should sign the Enthronement Certificate, then add the names for rest of your family.

Step 1 Get a immage or statue of the Sacred Heart.

Step 2 Get a Priest to bless the immage.

Step 3 Say the Prayers.

Step 4 Fill out the form for your family.


Double A3 stand with hinges. $70 each

Double A4 stand with hinges. $35 each


Enthronement of the Sacred Heart


Double A3 stand with hinges. $70 each


Double A3


Double A4